There are a lot of reasons you might be thinking about deleting your Facebook account -- perhaps you think you spend too much time on it and want to take a social media cleanse, or maybe you and your friends have already stopped using it, so there’s no reason to keep it around.
It’s important to understand deleting your Facebook account is different from deactivating your account -- once deleted, it can never be recovered.

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Which means, if you’re intent on getting rid of your account for temporary detox purposes, you might want to consider alternative methods to detoxing from social media without deleting anything.
But if you’re sure you’re ready to leave the world’s most popular social media network, it’s a simple process.
Keep in mind, if you delete your Facebook, your photos and all your Facebook information will be lost forever. If you want to save that information, I’d suggest downloading a copy of it.
To download a copy of all your Facebook information, go to “Settings” and click, “Download a copy of your Facebook data,” and then, “Start My Archive.”
This will ensure you can still find all those awkward middle school photos, years down the road.
To find out how to delete or deactivate your Facebook account, or delete a group or page you’ve created, read on.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of how to delete Facebook step-by-step, including outlining the difference between ‘deactivating’ your account, and deleting it entirely.

Whatever your reason, deleting or deactivating your account is actually pretty easy. Here’s how you do it.

Deleting or Deactivating a Facebook account – what’s the difference?

Deleting or deactivating your Facebook are the two basic ways of getting your Facebook account offline

By deactivating your account the following things will occur
  • You can reactivate your account whenever you want
  • People can’t see your Facebook Timeline, or search for you
  • Some information may remain visible (like messages you’ve sent)
  • Facebook saves your account info (like friends and interests) in case you reactivate
But deleting your account is a much more serious matter. If you delete your account:
  • Facebook delays deletion for a few days after the request is made. If you log in during the grace period, the deletion is cancelled
  • You can’t regain access to your Facebook account once it’s deleted
  • It can take up to 90 days for your data that’s stored in backup systems to be deleted. However, your info isn’t accessible on Facebook during this time
  • Some things aren’t stored in your account, like messages that you’ve sent to friends – these will remain active
  • Copies of some material (like log records) may remain in Facebook’s database, but are “disassociated from personal identifiers,” according to the company
Basically, deactivating is a way to cool off from Facebook for a while, while deleting is a permanent solution that you should think carefully about before choosing.

How to deactivate Facebook account

To deactivate your Facebook account, follow these four steps:
1. Click the account menu down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page in your web browser
2. Select ‘Settings’
3. Choose ‘General’ in the left column
4. Click ‘Manage your account’
5. Press ‘Deactivate your account’, and then follow the steps to confirm your decision
To reactivate your account after deactivating it, simply log into Facebook your e-mail and password. Your profile will be entirely reinstated.

How to delete Facebook account

Deleting your Facebook account is a serious decision, so make sure it’s something you really want to do. Whether you like it or not, social media is ingrained in society, and your Facebook profile can affect friendships, job prospects, and social opportunities. Remember that there are also ways to secure your Facebook privacy settings., if that’s your particular concern.
Plus, you may miss out on some ‘dank memes’ by deleting Facebook, and however grating it is in places, it’s also useful for plenty of things, such as keeping up with friends from abroad and organising events.
If you’re set on binning the social network off for good, click the following link and choose the ‘Delete my account’ option:
Before deleting your account, it may be worth downloading your Facebook data. To do this, follow these steps:
1. Click the account menu down arrow at the top right of any Facebook page in your web browser
2. Click ‘Download a copy of your Facebook data’ at the bottom of your General Account Settings
3. Choose ‘Start My Archive’
The file that begins downloading will contain your Facebook profile information, so be very careful about where you keep it.
Welcoming a new baby into the world is life-changing, without a doubt. other than absence of rest, this new member of the family comes with a lengthy list of responsibilities — and tremendous monetary duty.
Upon the announcement of a new baby, three classes of expenses are immediately triggered: medical costs associated with the pregnancy and delivery; possible costs from taking time off after the birth or reducing your work capacity; and most important, of course, the costs of rearing your new arrival.

Create a checklist of key financial considerations you need to address before the arrival of the baby

At a minimum this should be considered in the list
  • What child care support is within your budget
  • Would either you or your partner take a time off after delivery and what would be the impact on your revenue (budget).
  • How you’ll pay for prenatal and delivery costs. It’s important to double-check your insurance coverage and associated benefits to determine how much you’ll be paying out-of-pocket.
  • Consider minor costs like clothing, toys, food, diapers because they might not cost much but the in long run they will cost a whole lot much.
  • Procuring insurance coverage for your new child.

Additional costs to consider upon baby arrival

Once baby arrives, you’ll likely feel a shift in your money mentality, as the reality of your child’s future needs set in. Now is the time to start doing some financial planning. For instance:
• Update your beneficiaries on all your accounts. And if you don’t yet have a will, create one. It’s also time to think about an executor of your will and who would handle Junior’s needs if you’re not around.
• Consider additional financial products. If you don’t yet have life insurance, get some STAT. Remember, it’s not just about you anymore. Disability insurance should also be a strong consideration so that you’re able to provide for baby without disruption.
• Investigate 529 plans or other college savings vehicles. The sooner you begin saving for college, the more time the account has to grow and enjoy capital gains.
Finally, use this shift toward more responsible and careful financial planning to really alter your overall money mindset. A child can be just the motivator you need to make better financial choices in every area of your life, in order to really treasure what matters most: family.
Source: Entwalk
Health food and marketing is big business. We have been hit hard with no-fat, low-fat, no sugar, no calories, and gluten-free to name a few. Food companies know how to work the trends and bring in the cash. Now, unhealthy organics are making headway.

As consumers, please be aware that organic labels don't always mean healthy. In fact, this fake health food leads to fake fitness. It's pumped full of sugar, preservatives, saturated fat, chemicals, and who knows what else. If a food product can sit on the shelf for a lifetime, there is something wrong.

Whatever current health food trend is happening, food companies are figuring out ways to dupe the consumer. Do you really believe organic Ruffles, Doritos, and Cheese Puffs are healthy?  Really!?

Chips are Chips

Sadly, consumers believe organic chips and similar items are healthy because they claim to be organic. I see so many people loading grocery carts full of unhealthy organic food items.

The bottom line - chips are chips, organic or not. Potato chips of any kind are one of the worst things to put in your body. Potato chips have one of the highest levels of acrylamide. Acrylamide is a chemical used for industrial purposes but is also formed when starchy foods like potato chips are cooked at high temperatures. It's also found in cigarette smoke. The chemical is shown to be linked to cancer and other diseases. Does that bag of chips still sound appealing?

Other food items try to squeak by stating they are minimally processed, but processed is processed.

Read the Ingredient Labels

Store shelves are lined with convenient organic items and granted some may be fabulous, but most are not. The ingredients tell the real story for anything in a box, bag, or wrapper. If you can't understand or pronounce what's on the ingredient label, you better believe it's a chemical sh*t storm.

Many fitness enthusiasts rely on protein and energy bars. Have you looked at those labels? Most are the same as eating a candy bar. These bars are also available in organic versions but does it make them any better? Removing pesticides is great but what about all the additives, preservatives, sugar, and salt?

When it comes to buying any food, rely on the ingredient label and look for understandable quality ingredients. Fewer ingredients are better when it comes to packaged products.

Become Food Smart

We need to become wise consumers and discontinue believing fake health food marketing schemes. Eating a bag of organic chips post workout isn't muscle recovery food. Reaching for that energy bar may not be the best choice, and forget the organic white pasta.

Real organic food is just that, real in its raw state. Sometimes organics can even look ugly with blemishes. It also ripens quickly.

It's important to understand whole foods are the most important part of getting healthy and staying that way.

Eat Right for Health

You achieve optimal fitness, improved athletic performance, fat loss, and muscle gain when you feed your body the good stuff.  Just because the label says organic, fat-free, gluten-free or any "free" doesn't mean healthy.  Be a wise shopper and eat what you understand. Keep it real and Stay Healthy!

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Are you really figuring out how gym Fitness Equipment can be tricky, especially if you are in hurry? You might be worried how am I going to posses the right amount of weight? Are the machines in your gym giving its best and doing what you want it to do it for you? Anytime in the gym or while performing the workout a thought strikes your mind as that oh! Is that guy is on the machine I want to be on it. Well one should never fear as below is great core that anyone can do with zero or no equipment. All what you need is a body weight and one an hour and let's get started with the workout and that's what you will be calling actual core which is for getting the healthy body and fit lifestyle.

For every single exercise perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions, resting for 45 seconds in between each set and if not otherwise indicated. You have your body weight as resistance. How to make our body fit will be also be covered in it as you will be made aware of many activities via a 2 minute blog read. And you will be performing the exercises on daily basis that in return favor will keep you healthy, fit and live with young spirit.

. Dead Bug: Perform this exercise on your back and for that first and foremost one it is asked to get your back straight on the floor with the knees being bent and raise your arms straight up over your chest Simultaneously lower one leg and opposite arm straight down toward floor, keeping the other leg and arm steady.  How to do? Raise your leg and arm back to the upright position and repeat with the opposite leg and arm. Execute alternate sides as well with each rep.

. Reverse Crunch: Perform by lying on the back with knees and feet placing your hands at your sides. Secondly bring your lower legs near to chest with your bent kegs to tap on your heels on floor and repeat. Keep doing with the upper body stable all over during the exercise.

Lower Body Twist: In this exercise as well you need to lie on floor on your back with knees bent and your feet being raised in the air and placing your hands at your sides. Roll your legs to one side of yours touching your knee to the floor. Start rolling your legs to the opposite sides to touch the floor and keeping your knees bent and your upper body stable all during the process. Alternate sides with each rep.

. Glute Bridge: Same for this goes lie on the floor with your back touching the floor knees bent and feet flat while hands being placed at your sides. With the help of hands placed on sides raise your hips from floor and try to make straight line that will be formed from your hips and goes straight to your shoulders. One should keep in mind while carrying out the exercise that your lower back should be touching the floor and do again.

. Russain Twist: To implement the twist you need to be in a sit position on the floor with your foot flat touching the floor, knees has to be bent and talking of arms they are extended out in front at chest height. Begin with torso that is twisted once at your one left side and then on the right side. One should remember that throughout the workout your feet has to be flat and arms straight. Execute with alternate sides with each rep.

. Quad Hip Extension: For this you have to be on your fours as both knees and hands on the floor. Begin by raising your leg straight up behind the shoulder height forming the straight line with the shoulder. Similarly go with the second leg hence your one complete round is done. Hence repeat all the rep.

Leg Raise: You have to be on your back lying on the floor and hands to be placed on your sides. With legs being straight. One can either have an ankle weight tie at the ankles or hold the ball between the ankles. With Lower back raised one must try to raise the legs with no knee bent. Raise the legs and bring back to floor with that your one rep is complete.

With this one must also look on What to Eat to Stay Healthy and Fit as only executing the exercises might not able to reward you with the results. Stay connected with us and have the privilege of keeping yourself at good health.
Are you anxious about your health and fitness maintenance? Is keeping a track on your daily activity is now that very easy?  Yes, it is. Similar to many new and advanced technologies that are being developed everyday across the world. With talented scientist and genius it�s the Smart wristband which is on the high wave of zest when it was launched in 2012 in California in the name of fitbit. And now it has been to every home every individual across the Globe. It was as it must have fad being cool was not the only factor which made it so wanted and needed.

The product and other services offered by Fitbit range not from activity trackers to wearable tech connected devices but it has multiplied, reflected and widespread the desire to be physically active and stay fit. As we all know technologies are expensive especially Fitbit as it can cost you hundreds of pounds, the experienced people particularly men who took part in football training, men and women in weight loss and healthy living program. Trainers and coachers suggest you can also have cheap and cheerful counting device to keep track of fitness hence support you to be more fit. It is not that we need an expensive fitbit wearable it is only what required is we are able to have it in cheaper cost.

Much strong evidence round you might be present that can tell physically inactive poses a serious risk to health. Apart from n number of health benefits being active has already shown its impact as help in weight lose for long-term and also helps in maintaining mental health as well. With all these pluses it�s really essential that we try to tell and make you understand to support your life to walk across thousands of miles and be more physically active and stay young for long period of time of your living.

Although people find it hard to stay motivated. Also keeping the motivation at paramount is difficult for these kinds of people. For them to change unhealthy habits to being active and fit with the activity tracker will become quite easy as they will be having a key eye on the activities as they are being traced. With change of unhealthy habits to healthy habits will be a game changer for maintaining the lose weight if in case anyone lost few. Hence getting being monitored via fitness tracker such as smart band that counts every step you take to how much hour of sleep you take with deep sleep also being measured is an effectual way of keeping a check on fitness.

Human-race are often portrayed as uninterested about their health past research has shown that many actually enjoyed using activity trackers to measure the progress report that they made during the course of time. Wearing and have a check on a simple activity via tracker can help us to keep our body fitness maintained as bringing up changes by means of small steps.

However ways in which self-monitoring tools and application are motivating may help for long-term increase in physical activity levels after workout session has come to an end.

Theory of Motivation

Fully motivated plays a very important role in whether natives are capable of increasing and maintaining the physical activity levels. One should remember not all form of motivation is equally that powerful. According a well-known theory termed as Self-determination theory basically three different form of motivation exist which vary depending on the quality.

When a person does something whole heartedly with full grace, enthusiasm, and with positive attitude that usually indicate higher motivational quality, second case is when an individual does it with pressure from someone on demand of other, pressures such as reward, competition or comparison is being done this indicates lower motivational quality. And then there is a state of amotivation in which no desire to take part in activity in seen in the person.

And within this self-determination motivation theory the greater part depends on three basic needs i.e. autonomy, aptitude and relatedness.

Optimistic Changes

The finding showed how the setting up of target and self-monitoring of progress with and in relation to activity tracker support the development of high-quality motivation physical activities during and after taking part in the Football training programme or any other. Many also believed and actually are no longer using the tracker as the new self-active lifestyle now become their second nature and really active, fit and healthy has become part of their identity.

Enjoyment in terms of fitness is an improved and good sense of well-being also rediscovering aspects of young generation are reasons that would motivate the most unenthusiastic also to lace up and get started with the training session under guidance of trainers.
Finding the right job just got easier

Job hunting has changed a great deal since the digital age became a prominent fixture in daily life. Recruiters are utilizing the web to search for potential candidates at home and abroad. And HR is using the social media platforms to investigate candidates’ personal lives as well. This has become a common practice among college recruiters as well.
Interestingly, recruiters are using what they find about you online to make hiring decisions. Making your digital reputation invaluable to acquiring your dream job. How much thought have you actually put into your digital reputation? It is essential to understand that you are leaving a digital footprint HR recruiters are indeed following.
Leave a Unique and Positive Digital Footprint
Your unique digital footprint can be a positive when it comes to your latest job hunt. However, it can certainly hurt your reputation too. Developing your digital reputation is more important than ever in the digital era. And it allows you to connect and network with recruiters and corporate decision makers without even leaving your home.
In fact, studies have found that 75 percent of HR recruiters look for career candidates online. They use social media, and it’s often acts as your cover letter. Other research found that 70 percent of job application resumes would get dropped in the “no” pile due to a poor digital footprint.
Make Your Digital Persona Professional
Developing a digital persona is a fantastic way to really boost your digital reputation. A professional digital persona will showcase your talent while making it easy for HR recruiters to find.
Create a LinkedIn profile and serve up a professional platform for recruiters. A survey conducted by Bullhorn, a tech product company for HR departments, found that 89 percent of recruiters hired candidates via LinkedIn.
Many jobs are posted solely on the professional social media site and online. Having a digital persona that is professional is vital. However, only 36 percent of job seekers are using professional sites like LinkedIn.
The Social Media Catch-22
There is certainly a clear social media catch-22 when it comes to your job hunting. HR recruiter will browse to find the positives, as well as the negatives. And a potential candidate with a professional online presence is definitely what recruiters are looking for.
If you are worried about what you have online, you can set your social media accounts to private. This will allow only your friends to see your posts and pics. You may also want to create fake usernames as well, leaving no trace of you online when recruiters begin their investigation.